
The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

I know I cooked a lot, but I know how much you really like "this dish", so please eat up honey, we have plenty. I know you can't eat just one!
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing" = zero to boner in 1.4 seconds
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

gazzaman2001 wrote
my wife recently said to me."you better get used to having a fat wife because i have no plans to diet".dont think she realized how much it turned me on.

lol, score. xD
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

gazzaman2001 wrote:
my wife recently said to me."you better get used to having a fat wife because i have no plans to diet".dont think she realized how much it turned me on.

That would be the best, I hope mine says that eventually after the wedding smiley
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

A ex-girlfriend once told me that she nearly lost it when I moaned "More!" after having a third serving of pasta that she had served me.

When desert was served, I told her that I was going to get too fat if I kept this up. That moved things into the bedroom really quickly.
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

I like to try different restaurants and they make for my favorite dates. I was dating this one woman with a hell of a figure who once said to me, "Dating you is going to make me really fat, I think". I was not even encouraging or deliberately trying to get her to eat. It just came out when we were at dinner discussing other restaurants to try. It does not mean that I did not still enjoy the remark, though.
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

Me being a ffa i would have to say hearing him say i cant get up. As he tries to get up from the sofa after a day of eating. Id be on him in a min smiley
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

I love it when a boy tells me their weight or measurements. It doesn't even matter if they're skinny or fat, tbh, it's just the fact they're telling me something personal and maybe a bit embarrassing. The biggest frisson I get is if they are expressing some kind of inner conflict about their weight/size - I totally adore hearing about their efforts to lose/get back in shape. Especially if they try and fail... mwahaha
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

I was once speaking to a girl who said that everytime she walks past a bakery, she has to get 2 things, one for each hand. smiley
13 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

Among the ones that get me revved up:
"Hon, have I put on weight?" as she stands in front of the mirror holding her belly apron.

After sucking down a shake bag while beached in bed, she says, rather breathlessly, "Just..a ...bit..more...please."

"Honey, didn't these jeans fit me a few months ago?" as she can't get them over her hips.

The hottest is when she just holds out her arms to be helped off the couch, doesnt say a word, just the expectation I'll help.
13 years
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